Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Beware Of Instagram Follower Scams

 Things to Watch Out For With Instagram Follower Services

First, What Are Follower Services?

An Instagram follower service is basically a service that promises to deliver more Instagram followers to your Instagram account. To the average person, it doesn't really matter that much if you have a lot of followers. However, to businesses or people who are content creators who would eventually like to be able to monetize their efforts, it is a big deal. Many of those people would be willing to pay for such services. But are they legitimate services or just scams?

A Little Background Information

I am what is known as a content creator. A content creator is someone who creates internet content such as websites, images, blogs and so forth. It is a means of generating income by doing something I enjoy. So, in order for me to make more money or a living from doing what I enjoy doing, I need my work to be seen by as many people as possible, first. Then, I need to find a way to monetize and generate income from my content. So, in order to get my work to be seen by more eyes, I have to find ways to promote it. That involves some form of advertising or paid promotion.

So, why am I writing about this on the Craypoe Comics blog? Good question, allow me to answer. Among the purposes of this blog is to sort of assist others who may want to do some of the things I do. So, if you would like to be able to promote yourself without being scammed, this particular blog entry might be most helpful to you.

Part Of What I Do As a Content Creator Is Create Images Like This


A Suspected Scam I was A Victim Of

I am an active user on Instagram. I integrate that with many of the things I do. I can use the embed code even for this blog. Check out the Instagram Reels pages and you will see pages that include the embed code for videos I have uploaded to Instagram.
I wanted to bring an increase to my number of followers, likes and shares on Instagram. I had recently viewed some videos that gave advice as to how you could get more views of your posts by the proper or efficient use of hashtags. So I followed its advice and it actually worked. That was great but, since my posts now got more views, that meant scammers were among those viewing and some gave their pitch.

First they commented on one of the images I posted. They would say something nice like it being a great picture. They said please send it. I looked at the page of one and it seemed like a site that promoted people's artwork. So I sent the image to them, thinking they were going to promote it. I thought it was great that someone promoted the artwork of people. They had thousands of followers, so I thought that they would be able to promote my work extensively.

So I sent the image to them. Then they came back and said they charge a fee for it. I didn't think it was that big a deal to pay for a service that promotes your work. After all, if it would be effective, it would be worth the money. So I opted for the $25 plan, just to try it out. Hey, if it worked, I might go for the bigger deals. But why try the big deals first, if you don't know if they will deliver on their promises? So I gave the cheap deal a try.

The Results And My Suspicions

 So, one of the things guaranteed by the deal I opted for was 5,000 more followers. The good news is that they started to deliver followers within just a few hours. I thought it was great. Now my work can be seen by more people. I started to receive a load of notifications saying such and such person followed me. Great, right? Not so great when you take the time to look under the hood.

As part of the deal, I was told the image I wanted to promote would be placed on their page. I checked and it was. It got a lot of likes and there was a link to my profile page. So it really appeared to be a paid form of advertisement or promotion. Also, I saw a load of notifications about new followers. It seemed to be working. 
But then I decided to check out who the new followers were. Every person I checked had multiple things in common. One thing was that every one of the ones I checked had only done less than 20 total posts over the entire time they were on Instagram. They all had just a handful of followers but they all followed over 4,000 people. I noticed this right after the first few. Then I decided to just check a lot more of them at random, instead of going straight down the line. It was all the same. One other thing I noticed was that each one's most recent post was over a year or year and a half ago. And most of them posted all of their posts on the same day. Suspicious. Very suspicious indeed.

My Conclusion

So what are the odds that all of these "followers" would have so many strange things in common, without being a scam? Probably very low, I would think. There are other services out there that promise more followers, but this is one that works directly off of the Instagram website. Regardless, they all have one thing in common. That is the fact that they deliver users who are not active. In other words, these people will never like or share any of your posts. The whole idea behind wanting more followers is to have your posts be seen by more people. These people are not going to see your work, simply because they are not currently active users. 5,000 users that are not active are the equivalent of zero users. That's because they just won't really be seeing your posts.

My Advice To You

My advice to anyone who is considering giving Instagram follower services a try is to try other means of promotion instead. Straight up advertising is much more likely to generate an increase in legitimate followers. However, you won't usually end up with as many. But a few real followers are much better than a thousand fakes. Services that guarantee a specific number of increased followers are usually scams.

If you do decide to try one, opt for the absolute cheapest plan. Then check out the kind of users they delivered. If you find that they possess the qualities I mentioned above, you've probably been scammed. But at least you opted for the cheapest plan. 
Proper and efficient use of hashtags will always increase your views. There are videos on YouTube that offer advice on the subject. It won't generate thousands of increased views but your situation will improve and will continue to do so if you use the right hashtags. 
So, this basically is the best advice I feel I can give. I hope this has been helpful.

Bob Craypoe


Monday, August 21, 2023

The Current State of AI Image Generation

 How Good Are AI Generated Images?

There is a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence these days. Among the various uses of AI is image creation.You have probably even seen advertisements for applications and websites that create AI generated images. But how good are they really? And how easy are the images to generate? For starters, below is an example of an AI generated image.

AI Generated Image

I created this image on a website that allows you to create images with the use of their online app. It's a service that charges a monthly fee and gives you a certain amount of credits each month. Each image generated uses a certain amount of credits. The amount of credits used for each image will vary on their settings. Some features will require more credits than others. If you run out of credits before the month is over, you may purchase more.
Not all images generated are the same quality as the one above. Some generated images may have a person with three arms or three legs. So not every one is perfect. It may take you several attempts to get the type of image you have in mind. You may make numerous attempts and still not get what you want. You may then give up on that idea.

How Are These Images Generated?

The images are generated by typing in a description of the type of image you want. When you don't get what you want, you may just try again. You may also have to re-word the description in an attempt to get something closer to what you are looking for. There are different styles you may choose from as well. This image used the default setting. However, as part of the description, I specified that I wanted a caricature, so that's what I got. You may opt for a more realistic type of image. 

The Upsides And The Downsides

I would say that the primary upside to AI generated images is the speed at which they are generated. I do 3D art and animation, and to create an image, it can take hours or days. When all goes right, an AI generated image can just take a few minutes. It also involves minimal knowledge to create an AI generated image. It's a very simple process. To do a 3D art image requires a significant amount of knowledge in the use of the various 3D and graphics applications.

The quality of the AI image can vary but there are times when they create spectacular images. AI allows people with absolutely no artistic ability or technical know-how to create those spectacular images. It does require some creativity though. I have seen some AI images created by some people that were very imaginative.

Now, I have mentioned that I do 3D art and animation. Once I create a character, I can reuse that same character in whatever capacity I want. By being able to use the same character in a variety of ways, I am able to create a familiarity with that character, by people seeing it being used in many ways. With AI generated images, you can't do that. With 3D art, I can. Below is an example of using the same character, in a 3D program, in different ways.

 As you can see, the ability to use the same character in a variety of ways allows you to do a lot in the area of branding. That is the advantage that 3D art has over AI generated images.

In Conclusion

So, obviously, there are some good points to make regarding the use of AI and some negative points that could be made as well. Also, AI generated images don't always give you the image you have in mind. There is still much in the area of improvements that have to be made. It is still in the early stages of development. I do expect it to improve greatly over time though
Bob Craypoe.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Techno Scary

The First Animated Video Featuring The Punkster Characters

We have recently released a video on the Craypoe01 YouTube channel featuring the Punkster characters in a music video. It is a horror theme. We hope you enjoy.

Click On The Image Below To View It At Full Size

Here is the promo image for the video. Feel free to use it as a desktop wallpaper, if you'd like.

Horror Movie Characters

Monday, August 14, 2023

Check Us Out On Social Media


Craypoe Comics on Social Media Websites

Just Scroll Down To See The Links
steamp[unk character


Our Website Is Now Active

 We Are Happy To Announce That The Craypoe Comics Website is now online

Ladies and Gentlemen,we are so happy to announce that Craypoe Comics website is now online. Please check it out. We put a lot of work into it.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Welcome To The Craypoe Comics Blog

About The Craypoe Comics Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog. This blog's purpose is to basically reveal the latest creations and the latest developments regarding what is now labeled as being under the Craypoe Comics label.

A Broader Definition

 Over the years, I have worked on many projects of one sort or another. However, the majority of my efforts have to do with cartoons and 3D art and animation. I have also created a number of websites that have featured those works. So I have multiple websites, multiple social media pages and various other places on the Internet where my works can be found. I have decided to consolidate and put most of those works under one name, which is Craypoe Comics. Some of my social networking pages have been renamed to Craypoe Comics. Consolidation, at this point, makes the most sense from a maintenance standpoint.

A Bit of History

My internet presence started with my first website DrPsychotic.com, which is a site that specializes in humor, arts and entertainment.

My next main effort was a comic strip that was called the Punksters.net Comic Strip. That comic strip has been discontinued. But now I use the characters in many more different themes. I now create images and animations that use those characters in scenarios of different time periods. They are now featured in themes such as Western, Science Fiction, Viking, Medieval, Steampunk, fantasy, parody and more.

What To Expect

When much of the upcoming content is created, it will be announced here. I hope you all will enjoy what your see. Thank You.
Bob Craypoe

friends at a barbecue

 Here are some of the characters in an image that depicts a friendly little barbecue.


Celebrating Over 200 Instagram Posts and 100 Instagram Reels

 Two Instagram Milestones In The Same Week So, What Do We Post On Instagram? As you could probably tell by the headline, Craypoe Comics main...